On from Yanakie to The Prom entrance ($2.70 for bikes), and then down to Tidal River, the main centre for activities in The Prom. The C444 up to the entrance consists mainly of straight isolated roads. Once past the entrance, the C444 becomes a superb tree-lined biking road; but the trees hold an abundance of wildlife, so I relaxed and enjoyed the most awe-inspiring scenery that Victoria has to offer. The peaks and bushland eventually give way to stunning coastal views. Tourists go to The Great Ocean Road, locals go to The Prom.
A change of clothes at Tidal River and I was off for a long walk, exploring the area around Tidal River and The Loo-Errn Track. A couple of hours exercise was enough for me, so I got in the long queue at the cafe, grabbed some lunch, and rode back while taking some of the side roads to beaches and scenic look-outs on the Western side of The Prom.

I was intending to tackle The Grand Ridge Road tomorrow, but some of it is dirt; with all the recent rain I'll leave it for another day. I'll complete the South Gippsland Highway instead.
Riding Distance: 170 kms
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